use it or lose it

what some docs tell youUse it or lose it – The doctor tells the guy who is losing his dopamine and  his mobility and his freedom along with it.

The guy exercises like mad, takes his medication on time and sticks to a healthy diet. The guy is using everything he has to avoid losing his mobility and his freedom along with it.

He’s doing great.
But despite his efforts, he loses his dopamine and his mobility and his freedom along with it.

The guy is sad.
Because the doctor told him to use it or lose it.
And yet still the guy lost his dopamine. And along with it …

The guy is sad.
Because the doctor lost his ability to understand the sadness of guys like him who fight like hell, never give up and ‘lose it’ anyway.


Doc, you might want to reconsider your useitorloseit tagline. The thing is, it’s a false tagline. Here’s a more realistic and respectful tagline:

The second best thing to a cure is your will power, boy or girl with parkinson’s.