A Parkinson’s charity (dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson’s) wanted to know what a cure for Parkinson’s would mean to us people with Parkinson’s. I’m sure that they asked this question out of genuine interest. And I’m sure that the question was well-intended. In fact, I’m positive about that. But after 8 years of living with Parkinson’s, I’m afraid that I’d have to reply: That’s an incredibly stupid question. As in: really, really stupid. As a Parkinson’s-free person, you should know full well what it means to be Parkinson’s-FREE. Do I really need to spell out just how lucky you are to be Parkinson’s-free? Don’t you appreciate being Parkinson’s-free? Must you instead ask me (a pwp for 8 years) what a Parkinson’s-free life would mean to me? Take a look in the mirrorNow, what do you see?Sheer joy, happiness, gratefulness, a huge smile on your face, simply because you’re…